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Siberian wood-species trail

  • The Siberian wood-species trail is truly unique in Finland. The wood-species trail showcases over twenty wood species of the northern coniferous forest belt. Photo: AT

    The Siberian wood-species trail is truly unique in Finland. The wood-species trail showcases over twenty wood species of the northern coniferous forest belt. Photo: AT

  • The Siberian larch is one of the several wood species that grows in the test area along the Siberian wood-species trail. Photo: AT

    The Siberian larch is one of the several wood species that grows in the test area along the Siberian wood-species trail. Photo: AT

  • There are new destination signs on the route. Photo: AT

    There are new destination signs on the route. Photo: AT

  • The Siberian larch drops its needles later than the domestic broadleaved trees, often not until the first snowfall. Photo: AT

    The Siberian larch drops its needles later than the domestic broadleaved trees, often not until the first snowfall. Photo: AT

  • The autumn foliage of Siberian larches is really impressive. Photo: AT

    The autumn foliage of Siberian larches is really impressive. Photo: AT

  • The Siperia day-trip hut is available to hikers near the wood-species trail parking area. Photo: AT

    The Siperia day-trip hut is available to hikers near the wood-species trail parking area. Photo: AT

  • Contorta pine Photo: AT

    Contorta pine Photo: AT

  • Black spruce Photo: AT

    Black spruce Photo: AT

  • Silver birches along the wood-species trail. Photo: AT

    Silver birches along the wood-species trail. Photo: AT

  • Subalpine fir Photo: AT

    Subalpine fir Photo: AT

Siberian wood-species trail

The Siberian Tree Species Trail (nature trail) is located 45.6 km from Rovaniemi toward Posio on the south side of the Kemi River and the Vanttauskoski rapids. The tree species trail belongs to the Kaihuanvaara–Kivalot Hiking Area, which is an easily accessible day-trip destination. The tree-covered hills in the area are prominent elements in the Kemi River landscape. They offer beautiful vistas of the riverside and surrounding areas.

The tree species trail starts among handsome Siberian larches. It leads you to explore over twenty tree species growing in the northern coniferous forest zone, the Taiga. The experiments aim to discover tree species that adapt well to the Nordic forests to complement their natural species. Numerous information boards (Finnish and English) along the trail provide information about the wood species.

Forest research can be clearly seen in the Kivalot area. The Finnish Forest Research Institute has operated in the area for decades, and many projects are ongoing. The tree species trail passes through experimental plots that introduce conifer species that would not normally grow in Finland. Information boards present the research activities. The trail is 1.9 km long, clearly marked in the terrain, easy, and suitable for beginners.

Directions: drive 2.6 km out of Rovaniemi along Sodankyläntie; turn right on Kuusamontie: drive 49.3 km to Vanttauskoski; turn right on Kuusamontie; drive 1.5 km; turn left on Kuusamontie; drive 2 km; turn right on Kivalontie; drive 5 km; turn right on the forest road; drive 2.8 km; turn right on the forest road; drive 1.3 km to the parking area


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Sipe 7/5/2020 11:04 PM
Reittikyltit ja opastetaulut ränsistyneet. Ei kannata asioikseen lähteä vain tätä kiertämään. Yhdistä saman päivän reissuun jotain muutakin nähtävää.
Heli Helenius 6/11/2021 2:51 PM
Opasteet puuttuivat, nurin niskoin ja lukukelvottomia, löydettiin yksi josta pystyi jotain lukemaan. Edellisestä kommentista päätellen tämäkin on ollut rempallaan ties kuinka pitkään.....
jamppa 9/8/2021 3:48 PM
Polku ja opasteet huonossa kunnossa, muuten mukava retkikohde mutta huoltoa ja kunnossapitoa kaipaa
Naanna 11/15/2021 9:57 PM
Huonoon kuntoon on päästetty. Toivottavasti entrataan koska puulajipolku on aivan mahtava kokemus! Olisi mukava lukea reitin varrella olevista puista.
HL 7/25/2022 12:51 PM
Mukava polku ja opasteet on uusittu ja reitti helposti käveltävissä!
Lilli 9/20/2023 2:47 PM
Nyt oli hienot kyltit. Polulla tukkeena muutama tykyn katkaisema puu esteenä. Mukava retkeilykohde.


  • Length: 1.89 km
  • Difficulty level: Easy trail Easy trail
  • Time: 3 h
  • Viewed: 20696
  • Latitude: 66.3438290782283
  • Longitude: 26.6629346699114

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